Weibelzahl, S., Heckmann, D., Herder, E., Müssig, K. & Schildt, J. (2015). Adaptive Recommendations for Patients with Diabetes. In: A. Cristea, J. Masthoff, A. Said & N. Tintarev. Extended Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP 2015), Dublin, Ireland, June 29 - July 3, 2015.

Diabetes mellitus is a major epidemic with about 8.3% of the world population being affected. Proper treatment minimizes the risk of secondary diseases. The GlycoRec system aims to support patients in making decision that are related to the treatment by modeling their behavior and their physiology. Here we describe the aims and first steps towards the development of GlycoRec.

author = {Stephan Weibelzahl and Dominikus Heckmann and Eelco Herder and Karsten Müssig and Janko Schildt},
title = {Adaptive Recommendations for Patients with Diabetes},
editor = {Alexandra Cristea and Judith Masthoff and Alain Said and Narva Tintarev},
booktitle = {Extended Proceedings of the 23rd {C}onference on {U}ser {M}odeling, {A}daptation, and {P}ersonalization ({UMAP} 2015)}, {D}ublin, {I}reland, {J}une 29 - {J}uly 3, 2015
year = {2015}